George Municipal Court

102 Richmond Ave, George, WA 98848
Mailing Address: PO Box 5277, George, WA 98824
Grant County

Court System Type:

Municipal Courts


Contact Information:

Phone Number: 509-785-5081
Fax: 509-346-2040

County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info:

Staff: Richard C. Fitterer, Judge, 509-785-5081; Janis Whitener-Moberg, Judge, 509-785-5081; Cherie Escure, Clerk , 509-785-5081,

Visit our Links Page for websites providing Employment Listings, as well as US Government holiday closings.

*Please call to verify. Is any of the above incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Courts:

Quincy Municipal Court
104 B St SW
6.2 miles away

Royal City Municipal Court
455 Camelia St NE
11.8 miles away

Mattawa Municipal Court
512 E Government Rd
13.9 miles away

* is not affiliated with the Official US Government, or any state, local, or federal office.