Hardy County Magistrate Court

Hardy County Courthouse, 204 Washington Street, Moorefield, WV 26836
Hardy County

Court System Type:

Small claims ($0-$5,000) cases., Mental Health cases., Emergency civil protection/ restraining orders., Misdemeanor preliminary hearings., Juvenile cases., Traffic infractions.


Contact Information:

Phone Number: 304-530-0212
Fax: 304-530-0213

County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info:

Staff: Magistrate Shawna M. Crites, Magistrate Craig A. Hose

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Nearby Courts:

Twenty Second Judicial Circuit Court Hardy County Circuit Court
204 Washington Street
0.0 mile away

Twenty Fifth Family Court Circuit Hardy County Courthouse
204 Washington Street
0.0 mile away

Moorefield Municipal Court
206 Winchester Avenue
0.1 mile away

*county-courthouse.com is not affiliated with the Official US Government, or any state, local, or federal office.